Insects of the Pyrenees

Insects of the Pyrenees

With so many flowers and grassland, butterflies are seen throughout the Summer. Two restricted butterflies occur here; the Glandon Blue,Agriades glandon and Gavarnie Blue, Agriades pyrenaicus, as well as more widespread species such as the Apollo Parnassius, Apollo and Swallowtail. In September, the beautiful Hummingbird Hawk Moth can be seen hovering around flowering thistles.

Humming bird hawk moth

Macroglossum stellatarumEasily mistaken for humming birds themselves, these large insects are common throughout the Pyrenees in summer, and can frequently be seen in Bareges feeding on flowers in gardens. When in motion the easiest way to distinguish them from birds is to look for the long proboscis which they use to feed.

Adults humming bird hawk moths are particularly fond of long, thin, nectar-rich flowers. These allow them to take advantage of their long proboscis and avoid competion from other insects. Once suitable flowers have been located, moths will often return to the same flower bed day after day. Unusually for moths, the humming bird hawk moth can continue to fly in temperatures up to 45 degrees centigrade, and also during heavy rain.